Focusing on Interprofessional
Education, Collaborative Practice
and Evaluation
November, 2016 | Volume 3
Welcome to NCIPH
The University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (UACIM) and the Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine & Health (The Consortium) in cooperation with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)1 created the National Center for Integrative Primary Healthcare (NCIPH). The purpose of the NCIPH is to advance the incorporation of competency- and evidence-based integrative health (IH) curricula and best practices into primary care education and practice. The most important gap filled by this 3-year project will be the development of a set of competencies and educational materials relevant to and appropriate for use across the entire interprofessional spectrum of primary care practitioners.
NCIPH goals:
1. Establish a national interprofessional leadership team (InPLT).
2. Develop core IH competencies for interprofessional primary care teams.
3. Develop a 45-hour interprofessional IH online curriculum for primary care educational programs – Foundations in Integrative Health.
4. Create an accessible and interactive online infrastructure that will house:
IH curricula
Best IH practices for primary healthcare professions
Links to partner organizations and IH resources for healthcare professionals
Patient portal
5. Develop patient education IH materials and facilitate access to IH practitioners.
NCIPH Activities and Opportunities to Participate
Below is a list of NCIPH activities and how you can become involved.
The content responds to the core principles of integrative health and addresses the competencies developed by the NCIPH Interprofessional Leadership Team.
The course material is presented with a focus on an interprofessional collaborative team approach and includes diverse case examples. The course modules include:
Introduction to Integrative Health in Primary Care
Addressing Patients through an Integrative Lens in Primary Care
Integrative Interventions
Prevention and Lifestyle Behaviors/Motivational Interviewing
Integrative Healthcare in Community Settings & Systems at Large
Provider Well-being
A revised version of the 45-hour interprofessional IH online curriculum, Foundations in Integrative Health is going to be delivered in two ways:
Institutional delivery: it is available now to educational training programs. If you would like to offer the course in your program please provide your contact information here and we will be in touch with next steps.
Individual and stand-alone units will be available January 2017. Individual users will be able to do any or all units of the course and receive continuing education credits.
The course is available online free of charge through August 31, 2017.
The Foundations in Integrative Health course was pilot tested January – August, 2016.
The pilot study participants included trainees and faculty from primary care educational training programs and clinical staff from community health centers. These include primary care residencies, nursing, pharmacy, public health, physician assistants, behavioral health, nutrition, acupuncture/Oriental medicine, chiropractic, and integrative health programs.
648 trainees completed the course! We have just started analyzing the pilot study data, but the results of our final exit survey completed by course participants is very positive!
One NCIPH goal is to develop culturally and linguistically appropriate patient education materials in Integrative Health approaches to prevention and treatment of common chronic medical conditions. Dr. Kligler has been working with a group of medical school and public health graduate students to develop the materials. The patient education handouts are designed as a 1-page handout to be distributed by healthcare professionals and as a webpage with links to additional resources on the NCIPH website. The materials will be available in English and Spanish. Health conditions include: ADHD, Allergic rhinitis, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Autism, Back pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic pain, Constipation, Depression, Diabetes, Eczema, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, GERD, Headache, Heart Disease, Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Menopause, Menstrual disorders, Obesity, Sleep, and Upper Respiratory Infection. Integrative modalities include: Stress Management, Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Meditation, Tai chi, and Yoga.
The first handouts are available on the NCIPH website now! Visit the NCIPH website under the Resources for Educators and Health Professionals tab. You will be prompted to login to access the materials. Patients and the public can also access the materials on the NCIPH website under the Patients/Public tab.
NCIPH has partnered with Integrative Medicine Access (IMA) to create a network of IH practitioners to work with the underserved. IMA is building their practitioner network starting in the general urban areas around Los Angeles, Portland, Minneapolis-St. Paul and New York City. As these hubs of practitioners and underserved clients builds, IMA will extend to other areas around the country to build up networks of practitioners who can treat local patients.
If you are interested in becoming a practitioner with IMA, please fill out an application at www.IntegrativeMedicineAccess.org/practitioner-registration.
Foundations in Integrative Health Course – Ongoing through August 31, 2017
NCIPH Annual Summit/Faculty Development Meeting – March 21-24, 2017
Analysis of Foundations in Integrative Health Course evaluation data – Ongoing
Patient Portal on NCIPH website – available NOW!
Practitioner Network Development and Pilot - Ongoing
NCIPH Events
Hear more about the NCIPH at upcoming conferences.
Society of Behavioral Medicine
San Diego, CA, March 29-April 1, 2017
Consortium Annual Member Meeting
Cincinnati, OH, April 23-25, 2017
Vist out website to stay up-to-date as more events are announced.
1 “This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE1HP27710, National Coordinating Center for Integrative Medicine, $1,699,998. This information or content and conclusions are those of the authors and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.”